Wenn Sie noch Beads dieser Liste bestellen möchten, so schreiben Sie bitte eine kurze Nachricht mit Ihrer Wunschliste und ich werde sofort prüfen, was noch bestellbar ist. If you want to order beads from the Retired List, please write a short message with your wish list and I will check which beads are still available.
Monat: Dezember 2019
Elfbeads – Deal of the Year 2019
It’s finally here – Elfbeads Deal of the Year – DOTY 2019!To make sure it would be a surprise for everyone, there are Christmas themed DOTY sets with some Christmas themed beads. Some sets will have 5 beads and some sets will have 6 beads. Each set is different. Buy 4 Elfbeads and choose a…
Katzenmaiers Adventskalender
Alle Jahre wieder…